(71:20-23) (51:46) (53:52) (7:59) (23:24) (11:25-27)
The Deluge 1
Approximately five or six thousand years ago, human beings learned to live together. It was the dawn of civilization; humans were settling in villages and towns to live together. They had learned to live in towns, villages, and cities because it was the safest and most convenient way of living.
Human beings had learned to keep themselves safe from animal predators by helping and living with each other in groups, but they were not successful in building a fence to protect them from human predators. The designs of these human hunters were not visible in any tangible form; they were using many devices to hide their true motives. The first basic, unchanged principle of the divine guidance is that there is only one creator; the world is run according to His laws, all harm comes from neglecting this fundamental rule, and all good springs from obeying His laws.
The first step the oppressors took to make their deceptive program a success was to build temples in the names of many deities; they placed many visible statues of gods and goddesses in temples and started worshipping them. With the help of these created gods and goddesses such as Wadd, Sawan, Yaghuth, Ya’eiq , and Nasir, they broke the other important principle that all human beings are equal; the only great person among humans is the one who willingly surrenders himself to God’s laws and judiciously obeys His directions.
Their claim was that all human beings were not equal; some were superior to others due to their birth in a particular family, or direct relationship with gods and goddesses. Others were inferior because they were made to do menial jobs. The lines that separated these two groups were unbreakable; the people from one group could not cross over to the other group.
This final division of humanity on the basis of birth was a furious attack on the fundamental concept of the equality of the human race. The privileged class and the underprivileged people could not change their places in society, however good or bad their actions were. With the help of these ideas, the upper class controlled all the resources, and the poor people were dragged into poverty and despondency.
In this situation, the guidance of God came and prophets were sent to tell the people about the equality of the human race. Prophets, who came intermittently, constantly repeated the truth that there is only one God who has created the entire human race. Dividing humanity into fixed compartments and preventing some from enjoying the resources of God is a sin. The capitalists rejected this rule and kept on living in their self-formed way till Noah came.
When Noah started criticizing the system and boldly declared that there is only one God and all human beings are equal, the citadel of capitalism got a big shock. The leaders of the nation challenged him and his new ideas. They declared that they had never heard any such humbug from their ancestors; therefore, what Noah was propagating was a dirty falsehood.
Noah, who was himself a member of the nation and had lived among them happily for many years, surprised most of them with his new ideas. Some members of the nation came to him and asked the reason for the abrupt change. Noah replied that he was chosen by God to deliver His message to the nation and he was fulfilling the mission. The members said, “What will happen if we do not act as you are suggesting?”
“A great doom will seize the entire nation,” was his reply.
In the ancient times, the modern means of communication were not available. The people lived in self-contained units without any knowledge of other nations. The nation of Noah was living in a lush valley surrounded by mountains. The land was fertile. Springs and streams from the mountains made their agriculture a great yielding project. Moreover, the range of mountains completely protected them from outside dangers.