The Realm of Khalq
The realm of Amar is abstract: it is where the ultimate plans, laws, and designs, keeping the overall schemes of the universe, are formed. Allah’s ultimate knowledge and wisdom decides how to arrange them harmoniously. The second stage of creation manifests itself in the realm of Khalq: here the created objects take concrete form.
The word Khalq means to weigh and measure the material—to make something out of it by shedding the undesirable parts and balancing the created object harmoniously. Allah is al-bidii and fatarun who first made this universe from nothing. In the second stage, God creates many things by using different measurements and designs from the created material. One pattern is to repeat the first model again and again; the second is to change the proportion and create new objects by adding or subtracting material. Here, the Quran acknowledges that human beings can create things, but they cannot create something from nothing as Allah does.
The Quran asks in 27:64, “Who originates creation and then repeats it?” The answer, given in 30:11, is that “Allah originates creation; then He repeats it; every step in this process leads to His designated destination.” The word used in the Quran is yueed. It does not simply mean to repeat, but to complete a thing from beginning to end by passing it through various stages of evolution and bringing it to its ultimate destination.
Allah is the creator of everything in the universe. This fact is emphasized in the Quran. Moreover, it says in 38:28, “We have not created the heaven and the earth and all that is between them in vain (for destructive purpose).’’ The materialistic view that nature has blindly created this amazing universe by chance, without any purpose, and the universe will come to an end one day is refuted in the Quran. It says the universe is created by an omnipotent, knowledgeable, and wise Allah with a purpose.
The Quran uses two terms to explain its meaning exactly. They are Haqq and Baatil. Baatil is an effort which produces negative or destructive results. Occasionally it fails to produce any result. Haqq is something present concretely, as an undeniable solid fact, with constructive results.
Some philosophers, especially many Hindu religious thinkers, believe that the universe does not exist in reality. It is Maya, or mirage—a deception created by our imagination with the help of the senses. The Quran says in 14:19, “Dost thou not perceive that Allah has created the heaven and the earth with Haqq.” The same message is repeated in 29:44: “Allah has created the heaven and the earth for a purpose. In that surely is a sign for the believers.”
Some Indian philosophers have put forward a strange concept about the creation of the universe. According to them, the universe is God’s lila ( play); it has only come into existence because Shiva is playing and when he gets tired of it, the universe will vanish. One name for Shiva is Natarajan: the king of players, or a very great player. But the Quran says in 21:16, “We have not created this heaven and the earth and all that is between them in play.”
Moreover, the Quran invites the wise men and scientists of the universe to critically examine the created universe. In 67:3-4 it says, “Allah has created several planets one above the other; you will not discover any flaw in them. Look carefully. Do you find any disparity in them? Look again and again; the sight will return to you frustrated and fatigued without finding a rift in the creation of Allah.”
Allah does not sit idle after the creation of the universe; His laws are operating in the universe. In 35:1 it is written, “He, according to his law of Mashiyat, adds new additions to his creation when he pleases.” It is not a blind nature, but a mighty, powerful, and wise personality who is controlling and organizing the affairs of the universe. That is why everything—the sun, moon, stars, and day and night—are working endlessly and harmoniously without a difference of one second. Every object in His creation is just the right fit for the purpose for which it is created.
Tuesday, December 22, 2020
Friday, November 6, 2020
Saturday, October 31, 2020
The Realm of Amar.