Sunday, July 31, 2016

The Story of Job


The Story of Job

The story of Job is mentioned in the Quran.  In verse 6:85, a list of prophets is given to show that all of these great prophets, in their respective times, are given the same guidance by God.   In this list of prophets, one sees the name of Job.
  The details of his work are not provided by the Quran.  The Quran only points out one single event of his life: when he cries out in pain, “Oh, God, an adversity has afflicted and surrounded me.  Please help me in my ordeal, since you are the most magnanimous helper.”  In verses 38:41-45 we are told that Job suffered from a snake bite.
In modern times, when many hospitals and doctors are available, a snake bite may not cause a very serious problem.  However, this story was told about three thousand or two thousand seven hundred years ago.  It was an age of superstition.   Without the light of science, the human beings were groping and fumbling in the darkness of ignorance.  The human mind was trying to solve the riddle of life, death, the universe, and stars, etc. with the help of imagination by creating gods and goddesses.
Furthermore, the snake was considered a mysterious entity in ancient times; we find it playing an amazing role in all ancient mythologies.  In Hindu mythology, the god Shiva wore a snake around his neck. The Rani Kunti, mother of Pandoes, the winners of the Mahabharat, was affiliated with the Nagh (snake) kingdom.   In Egyptian mythology, the cobra was considered to be a friend of Pharaoh.  Even in this age of science and technology, snakes are worshiped in some Indian temples.
In the time of Job, snakes were shrouded in mystery.  Many strange procedures were created and adopted to cure snake bite.  A snake charmer played many tricks and pretended to awake the snake goddess to cure a person.  Job, in spite of his excruciating pain, refused to take part in this humbug.  All his friends, family, and relatives denounced him; he was left alone to suffer for his refusal to submit himself to the superstitious curing process.
 He exhibited extraordinary courage and perseverance in his time of distress, along with remarkable mental and emotional strength during his long illness.  He faced every calamity with patience and never once did his fortitude waver from his scruples; he was an obedient slave of God and never left the path of truth due to prolonged suffering and pain.  During his illness, he never bowed to the whim of the snake charmer who prattled absurdities with the greatest seriousness.  With his unflagging faith, he remained steadfast in his conviction that health would come from his synchronizing with the laws of God.  
  Many springs in the mountains pass through a passage which is full of minerals and chemicals; while running through such mountains the water absorbs the minerals and chemicals.   Job was directed to such a spring by God. This mineral water worked as a medicine for the snake bite.  Moreover, Job was told to make a stack of herbs and rub it on the wound.  The mineral water and herbs cured the wound.
 He singled himself out as one unique towering figure; a symbol of perseverance, fortitude, and courage.  He was not carried away with the flow of the tide, but stood as a pillar of light pointing towards the right path.   After a while his old companions rejoined him and his new friends; he lived a peaceful, happy life after a long struggle with adversity.

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