Thursday, April 8, 2021



The means of sustenance which are given to someone as a gift are known as razq in the Quran.  Moreover, the sustenance must reach the recipient according to his needs at the right time.  In other words, razq is the sustenance which is given to every creature, according to its needs, without any cost from Allah.  It does not mean that cooked food is delivered to every household in the morning; it simply means that all the physical means for existence are provided by Allah before the appearance of life.  Allah, who created life on earth, has endowed the earth with the capacity to produce sufficient means of sustenance for all.

     The Quran says: “Allah is He who created you, then He provided for you, then He will cause you to die, and thereafter will bring you to life. Is there any of your alleged partners who can do any of these things?” (30:40).  Allah is the only one who gives razq to everyone in the universe. “ There is no creature that moves in the earth but it is for Allah to provide it with sustenance ” (11:6).  

He has created the universe and arranged its governance in such a way that it promotes human growth, by providing sufficient means of sustenance for every living creature. ‘’Allah is He who created the heavens and the earth, poured water from the sky, therewith grow fruits for your sustenance” (14:32). This arrangement of sustenance is not created by humans.  “Laws of Nature” is a term which atheists and materialists use as an explanation for this system; but only laws without any force to implement them is no system.  

       The Quran, in its own unique style, puts forward these scientific facts and deduces the conclusion that a unique and single personality, with will and mashiyatta, is running the whole show; the laws are universal and harmonious with each other because their creator is one. “Those whom you obey beside Allah have no power to provide sustenance for you; then seek your sustenance from Allah and obey Him, and be grateful to Him, unto Him will you be brought back”(29:17).

      The Quran gives concrete examples from the universe to establish that only Allah’s laws are working in the universe to provide sustenance for all. He is unique and one. Nobody else has the power to give razq; therefore, we must only obey Him.  He is the only one who gives and asks nothing in return. “We ask you not for provision; it is We, who provide for you” (20:132).  All our needs are provided by Allah. Therefore, we have no need to be subservient to anyone else.

      Allah has provided a large range of razk in the universe. No one has the right to say that this is lawfully permissible(halal) and this is not permissible (haram)This right is exclusively reserved for Allah, who has declared few things impermissible in the Quran.  Every nation can eat the things that are available to them, according to their culture and habits.  The acquisition of razq is different for humans and other creations; other creations receive their razq without putting any effort to grow them, whereas humans have to plan and work hard to get it.  Hunger and poverty are a painful torment of Allah, and the Quran urges people to look for His bounties (fazal) in the universe.

      Allah gives razq liberally. Along with it He has given some directions about its use.  The Quran says eat, drink, but do not waste raqz. As for edible things, the direction is to eat halal and tayyab things. The addition of the word tayyab gives a new dimension; tayyab means wholesome and pleasant.  An individual is not enjoined to eat everything that is permissible; one should eat what is compatible with his needs.

      Eating from your garden is permissible; eating from your neighbor’s garden without his permission is not permissible. Stealing and lying produce injurious effects on one's personality(nafas), even though chemical analysis shows no differences between stolen and earned food.  The Quran urges believers to earn honorable provision (razq-e-karim). 

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